Failed Algorithm
A Personal Blog by Gage Schaffer

Hi! I'm Gage.|

I'm an IT security analyst that is going through his journey to join the software development world. I love working on systems and making them go fast.

# About Me

  • Aspirations
  • IT Experience
  • For Fun
  • Other


I'm currently in IT, but I really, really want to do DevOps or DevSecOps. Creating pipelines and automating processes sounds like a dream job.

Systems that deal with a large scale also interest me. I love problem solving, and creating efficient systems that deal with a large scale is an area ripe with problems waiting for someone to attack them.

# Skills

These are a few of the things that I think I'm good at.


Python is one of my favorite languages. It's the one I started with, too!


I have been scripting and automating for most of my career, and I absolutely love making the computer do my bidding.


Webapps are fun to make! I mainly focus on the backend side of things, but I like to design a nice website every now and again.

Blue Team Skills

I digest a lot of logs, investigate potential malware, and send a lot of emails asking questions.

System Administration

I spent the first 5 years of my career managing all sorts of systems in all kinds of environments.

# Projects

Things that I've done.

This Website!

I created this website with 11ty, a static site generator. It helps me keep track of all my blog posts and tags.


Securely share links by protecting them with a password.

# I'm a Writer for freeCodeCamp, too!

Check out my favorite articles

Error Handling in Python

In this article, I go over the basics of handling errors in Python with try and except.

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How to Use the DefaultDict

I randomly stumbled upon the DefaultDict one day and decided to write an article about it.

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I love freeCodeCamp's mission and love contributing to other people's learning! Most of the time, the articles I write there aren't super complex -- but that's the point. The harder stuff that I learn and work through, I'll write about here, on this site.

# My Social Media

# Want to Get in Touch?

Email me here:

Here's my Resume:

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